Steam via Playonlinux [SOLVED]

Hi guys

Anyone managed to get steam running under Playonlinux? I can install it but when I try to run it - nothing

Why don’t you use the native linux client ?

I do but there are some games that are Windows only

Have you tried executing the installer with the normal wine command from within a terminal ?
It might show you an error message or something that might be useful.

No, I didn’t think of that, thatnks but I’ve found it anyway - a missing 32 bit library. Installed and problem fixed just one final problem to find a solution for now - multimedia keys and all should be fixed. Thanks for your help

What was the missing library?

actually it wasn’t that it appears. For some reason, I can’t run it on Playonlinux - it doesn’t seem to run at all but if I just install it under Wine and run it that way it works fine.