Auto-Logon - Missing Netrunner Menu icon missing

Found one in /usr/share/about-distro/netrunner-rolling-logo.svg But don’t know if that is the right one?

Seems to work.

You could also use the /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/homerun.svg. That should be the file that is used by default.

Nope sorry not showing in there at all.

Oh sorry. Wrong Netrunner subforum (someone changed the layout in the forum again).
Yeah on rolling it might be somewhere else. Though it should be named homerun.svg aswell I guess.

OK, it seems I forgot to add a line to my pkgbuild files and some files didn’t end up in the settings packages, I do apologize.
I just uploaded the fixed packages.

sudo pacman -Syyu

Tried sudo pacman -Syyu

Total Installed Size: 2.00 MiB
Net Upgrade Size: 0.05 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
(2/2) checking keys in keyring [########################] 100%
(2/2) checking package integrity [########################] 100%
(2/2) loading package files [########################] 100%
(2/2) checking for file conflicts [########################] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
netrunner-rolling-default-settings-2015.09: /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf.user exists in filesystem
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

So used the --Force flag and they installed.
But still resetting logout screen to star trek and my auto-logon when updates applied.
Will this be the case for netrunner-settings updates every time?

Yea, I thought that might happen, sorry about that. These files used to be in the system settings package, but due to the nature of the files, they were moved to the default settings package. The resetting you’ve been experiencing should not happen any longer since the default-settings-2015.09 package should not receive any more updates.

The file for the menu image is /usr/share/pixmaps/homerun.svgz

In an attempt to restore the packaging for 2015.09 back into one package, one more update of netrunner-rolling-default-settings-2015.09 will be required. I added the appropriate lines to the PKGBUILD file so that force shouldn’t be needed. This update should also removes the netrunner-rolling-system-settings package from your system and will not overwrite your etc/sddm.conf file changing your auto login setting or set the sddm background back to wheel.