Banned users

Hi all!

I have seen 5 users online (including me) and 3 of them were banned? :huh:
They have 0 messages.
May be, I don’t understand anything?

Askimet and some other SPAM tools look also at profile links and certain keywords (viagra, etc.) and bans some users pre-emptively.

[color=#000080]I also understand how a banned user can keep publishing. :huh:
As of today there are more than 14000 registered in January this year users were just a little over 2600, but the contributions are zero.
[/color] :frowning:

A banned user should not be able to post anything. However their posts are still available if they were only banned (usually by automatic methods like akismet)

[color=#000080]As I see today, a person’s delay in registering as a member to be banned. :smiley:
fueftjese uide = 15989
tedfuell uide = 15991
[/color] :stuck_out_tongue: