I’ve been trying to install YAWP weather plasmoid, which I’ve always used, but synaptic tells me it can’t install due to broken packages. Its “fix broken packages” doesn’t fix it.
I tried dpkg --configure -a
and apt-get install -f with no luck. How can I fix this?
It isn’t compatible with Plasma 5 as the one in the repo is compiled for Plasma 4 and Qt4.
Please try the version from kde-look.org or the get hot new stuff button in the widgets explorer.
Oh. Then why is it in the repo for Netrunner 17, which uses Plasma 5 and not Plasma 4? And is Plasma 4 an easily do-able option? Because 5 crashes constantly and won’t do some of what 4 did.
Widget Explorer? I see “get new widgets” if I choose “Add Widgets.” I don’t see anything about hot new stuff anywhere. Get new stuff reveals only 2 weather widgets, one of which doesn’t work at all and the other uses yr.no. I guess that’s all we get for 5.
[quote]And is Plasma 4 an easily do-able option? Because 5 crashes constantly and won’t do some of what 4 did.
Plasma 4 isn’t packaged for Ubuntu Wily anymore.
[quote]Widget Explorer? I see “get new widgets” if I choose “Add Widgets.” I don’t see anything about hot new stuff anywhere. Get new stuff reveals only 2 weather widgets, one of which doesn’t work at all and the other uses yr.no. I guess that’s all we get for 5.
Yeah those 2 weather widgets are the only one atm.