Can I use Apper?

OK, that link you provided to Apper on refers to version 0.8.0, the version of Apper in Manjaro (as well as Arch) is 0.7.2-7 which depends on packagekit-qt2>=0.6.17.

I just tested Apper on my other system and it is working just fine.

Make sure you have these installed:

removed Octopi-Notifier then selected in Octopi and installed.

See if libnotify is still installed?

Yep Version 0.7.6-1

There has to be something going on with your install, I have it working now on two completely different computers.

How can I verify my install valid and nothing missing in terminal?

You could try launching it a terminal and watch the output when you try to check for updates.

[orbmiser@Winterfell ~]$ apper QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave. QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave. [orbmiser@Winterfell ~]$ Failed to initialize the desktop files database enumFromString ( Role ) : converted "" to "UnknownRole" , enum id 0 enumFromString ( Group ) : converted "" to "UnknownGroup" , enum id 1 enumFromString ( Filter ) : converted "" to "UnknownFilter" , enum id 3

When I click on Updates button in Apper.

Error, cannot create transaction proxy QDBusError("com.trolltech.QtDBus.Error.InvalidObjectPath", "Invalid object path: Process org.freedesktop.PackageKit received signal 5") Error, cannot create transaction proxy QDBusError("com.trolltech.QtDBus.Error.InvalidObjectPath", "Invalid object path: Process org.freedesktop.PackageKit received signal 5")

Sounds like same issue Manjaro forum thread?


That seems to be a packagekit error, you could try using one of the version of packagekit from the AUR:
packagekit-git Version PACKAGEKIT_0_9_3.r5.g534d89b-1
packagekit-qt5 Version 0.9.2-1
packagekit-test Version 1.0.0

Tried package-git 0_9_3r

==> Making package: packagekit-git PACKAGEKIT_0_9_3.r5.g534d89b-1 (Sat Dec 20 09:31:29 PST 2014) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> Retrieving sources... -> Cloning packagekit git repo... Cloning into bare repository '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-orbmiser/aur-packagekit-git/packagekit'... remote: Invalid repository path fatal: repository '' not found ==> ERROR: Failure while downloading packagekit git repo Aborting... ==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build packagekit-git.

Tried packagekit-qt5 0.9.2-1

[code]packagekit-qt5 0.9.2-1 (Fri Sep 26 14:22:20 PDT 2014)
( Unsupported package: Potentially dangerous ! )
==> packagekit-qt5 dependencies:

  • qt5-base (already installed)
  • git (already installed)
  • packagekit>=1 (building from AUR)

==> Continue building packagekit-qt5 ? [Y/n]
==> ----------------------------------------
==> Building and installing package
==> Install or build missing dependencies for packagekit-qt5:
[sudo] password for orbmiser:
error: target not found: packagekit>=1[/code]

I’m not sure why Arch has keept such an old build for so long.
Apper - Arch (0.7.2) official (0.9.1)
Packagekit Arch (0.7.6) official (1.0.3)

You could try packagekit-test (1.0.0) packagekit-qt5 and apper-git (20120416)?

However, all three seem to be out of date.

packagekit-test Yep doesn’t work takes 60 seconds to appear then clicking on updates gets an unkown error happened popup. Going to call it a fail as way to much guessing this or that and now just confused on what on my system is different from yours.

Thanks for all yer help and am amazed at your level of dedication to helping others resolve their issues.


It’s not exactly, I just tried on my Netrunner Laptop and I do have the same issue there.

Stupid me tried it on my computers running KDE Plasma 5 0.9.0-dev ISO, which I had already pulled packagekit 1.0.0-1 in from gnome-unstable, this is still a bit out of date but at-least it works.

Personally, I’m thinking that a build from source may be required?

I’m going to mark all of the official Arch and AUR packages out of date.
OK done, they are all now marked out of date, even the python binding packages.
Hopefully that will get them some much deserved attention. :slight_smile:
If not get me banned from logging in to those sites ever again.:wink:

Yep not crucial so much as a preference as find Apper almost a perfect integration into KDE. Than separate and not integrated power tool which I don’t need for general updates. As I pull out my Leatherman for general quick easy needs. And only pull out the power tools when need arises.

Just a tad confused as thought integrated & simple was a cornerstone of Linux philosophy than having to pull out the power tools every time is kinda of a bear overkill and unnecessary just for scheduled updates. Some will argue that it doesn’t get any simpler than a sudo pacman -Syu or -Syuu or whatever the different and many mystical & cryptic flags of old terminal commands based from the 80’s. And trying to remember a dozen or two just isn’t viable with me having only a dozen or two living neurons left! :s

And which I never seem to remember and requires opening up a terminal and using the keyboard. Some say no big deal. But have arthritis and keyboard up out of the way means more motion and using which leads to pain and fatigue as the day passes. So admittily a one handed mouse-centric user and prefer all the Gui and automation I can get.

Thanks again and will wait to see if it will be resolved down the road. As apper isn’t very popular with the geeky elite.
But my unpopular and preferred is apper as my in system panel updater.

Well, just to let you know the Blue Systems developer of muon is working on version 3.0 that will support and be available for Netrunner Rolling, Manjaro KaOS, Chakra, Arch, etc…

Octopi-notifier used to not open the main Octopi window for updates and had it’s own, but somewhere along the line that changed. Pamac still does but again that is a gtk application written by and for Manjaro’s Main XFCE Edition.

Like I said, hopefully this will be fixed soon. :slight_smile: