Confused! Which OS using?


a while ago, in June 2015, I installed netrunner (not based on the rolling release). I always made the usual updates. Today I checked, which version I’m using and find in the infocenter, surprise, surprise, the info “maui 2.1” - nothing else - no infos about the neon-version etc.

Why is this so? What I’m using? Is here something wrong?

(please do not mix this with postings about my private machine - there is maui 2.1 regular installed)



That sounds odd indeed! Which netrunner have you installed? Netrunner 16? Since that was Ubuntu 15.04 VIVID based, can you check which ubuntu version you’re on?

Type in lsb_release -a in a terminal to get to know more.

lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Maui Release: 2.1 Codename: xenial
But on this machine I never installed maui! And the screens when starting the machine is always telling me “netrunner 17”.

(I don’t drink alcohol or consume drugs, honestly)

BTW, the situation with you is really very strange for non-profis! netrunner 17, netrunner rolling, netrunner desktop, maui1 maui2, … miaou? :slight_smile:

I’m sure, on the long run, this situation will become contra-productive …



That is really strange. What is in your sources list?

Ah running Netrunner 17 and did the 16.04 update with the script?
Then this is normal. It is getting the packages from Maui regarding version number and so on.
This is noted in the blogpost about the update script btw.

Aha, nevertheless this is very confusing and NOT a clear product placement …

What do I have now? netrunner or maui? If maui i have to leave this forum.


Like I said it is Netrunner 17 with the Xenial (16.04) Base.
Nothing else changed basically

Netrunner has changed its Ubuntu based Version to Maui, same as KDE Neon was formerly Kubuntu.
Stupid licensing doesnt help. So Maui is the continuation of Netrunner, no difference to it when you are on Ubuntu base.

We on the other side are getting our feet wet with our first pure Debian version out, so longterm, this is the way to go.

For we dont throw away all our expertise, just use Maui for continued worry free Ubuntu experience and stay tuned for Netrunner to advance quickly. Its really a binary choice, black and white, so I dont see any confusion:
Netrunner=New Debian, because we like to expand and evolve without anyone dragging our feet.