Debian stable repositories

I have a couple of questions that you may be able to answer.
All questions apply to a fresh install of Netrunner 17.06, which means a system based on the 20170530 snapshot of Debian testing.

My goal is to have a very reliable (stable) system receiving security updates.

[]Can I safely enable Debian stable repositories, considering Debian 9.1 is newer than the 20170530 snapshot?
Eg. stable main non-free contrib
]Can I safely enable Debian stable repositories and netrunner-backports at the same time?
Eg. stable main non-free contrib
AND netrunner-backports qt5 plasmazilla plasma netrunner netrunner-desktop kde-applications frameworks extras ds9-common ds9-artwork calamares backports
One reason I’m asking is I once tried enabling Debian testing and netrunner-backports at the same time, resulting in a wipe of most of my packages upon a dist-upgrade.
I want to avoid this kind of thing, but would still like security updates to packages, and as far as I understand, the snapshot-repositories will not receive security updates, but the Debian stable repositories will.

Best regards,

Regarding 1.
Yes you can

Regarding 2.
No. Netrunner Backports is based upon Debian testing and needs debian testing libraries.

Yes this was a temporary error which occured during the Qt upgrade.

Thanks for your reply!

From a fresh install, I will add the following two lines to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb stable contrib non-free main
deb stable/updates main contrib non-free

The former as per question 1, the latter to enable security updates, adapted from

This should leave my system based on the latest Debian release (stable), while receiving important security fixes. At the moment, this would be Debian 9.1, but with the repositories set to “stable” and not “stretch”, in theory, my system would upgrade upon future Debian releases (including Debian 10).

The “problem”, however, would be that everything Netrunner-specific would be locked to the 20170530 snapshot (or netrunner-1706).
I can handle this by adding the netrunner-1710 and corresponding Debian snapshot repositories when Netrunner 17.10 is released. This would keep me up to date with whatever testing snapshot the Netrunner team deems acceptable for release AND with Debian security updates.

Right? Or would the security updates not work because of the testing snapshot being more recent than stable?

This should work.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

I’m interpreting that as “Having ( Debian stable repo + Debian stable security updates repo + Latest netrunner- repo + corresponding Debian testing snapshot repo ) will work just fine.”