Hi everyone,
I’m using Netrunner with live-usb multiboot. Easy2boot seems to be the best way and the best compromise.
Sadly, I don’t find any way to boot it with persistent :huh:
I’ve followed howto :
Linux+Persistence (ext3\4)
Linux+Persistence using a .mnu file
The debian MNU file isn’t more efficient, here a copy :
[code]Place this .mnu file and the Debian Live ISO in (_ISO\xxx\MNU), e.g. _ISOMAINMENU\MNU or _ISO\LINUX\MNU
IMPORTANT: you MUST run WinContig (Ctrl+F2) before booting E2B.
For persistence: (File Name=debian-rw Volume Name=persistence)
1. click ‘Create ext2 FS’ in RMPrepUSB
2. Set the FILENAME to: debian-rw
3. Set the VOLUME LABEL to: persistence <------ VERY IMPORTANT
4. Set amount of space you would like allowed to persist (4GB+)
#The persistence ‘volume’ needs a persistence.conf file added
Boot to linux and then type following 5 lines in the terminal console (Applications - System Tools - Mate terminal)
sudo mkdir /mnt/usb
ls /dev/ (to see which is the USB device 3rd ptn - it will always be sd(something)3 - try also sudo fdisk -l)
sudo mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt/usb
echo “/ union” > /mnt/usb/persistence.conf
umount /mnt/usb
now reboot to linux using .mnu file
iftitle [if exist $HOME$/netrunner-1710-64bit.iso] netrunner-1710-64bit.iso PERSISTENT\nBoot using .mnu file with persistence
set ISO=$HOME$/netrunner-1710-64bit.iso
set PF=/netrunner-rw
if “%E2BDEV%”=="" set E2BDEV=hd0 && pause E2BDEV forced to hd0!
if exist CD echo WARNING: Cannot use partnew command! && pause && configfile (bd)/menu.lst
#enable parttype output
debug 1
make empty table entry in 3rd position in ptn table
parttype (%E2BDEV%,2) | set check=
debug off
set check=%check:~-5,4%
if “%check%”==“0x00” partnew (%E2BDEV%,2) 0 0 0
if not “%check%”==“0x00” echo WARNING: PTN TABLE 3 IS ALREADY IN USE - PERSISTENCE MAY NOT WORK! && pause
debug 1
if not exist %PF% echo WARNING: %PF% persistence file not found! && pause
errorcheck off
if “%check%”==“0x00” partnew (%E2BDEV%,2) 0x0 %PF%
errorcheck on
#map ptn 4 to ISO
partnew (%E2BDEV%,3) 0x0 %ISO%
map %ISO% (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
#live-config for auto login?
#Different versions may require changes - look inside ISO file at /isolinux/menu.cfg file
kernel /live/vmlinuz boot=live persistence hostname=live-pc username=live live-config.user-default-groups=sambashare,cdrom,floppy,audio,dip,video,plugdev,netdev,lpadmin,scanner,bluetooth,adm quiet splash
initrd /live/initrd.img
taken from lines in menu.cfg…
linux /live/vmlinuz-4.9.0-3-amd64
APPEND initrd=/live/initrd.img-4.9.0-3-amd64 boot=live components
Nothing work, persistent is not connected and I’ve not error too and so any trace to find solution.
Does somebody successfully boot live-usb with persistent from easy2boot’s MNU ?