I just found the following line in my .bashrc from a recent install.
I guess it should be removed, in NRR or further upstreams.

# better yaourt colors
export YAOURT_COLORS="nb=1:pkg=1:ver=1;32:lver=1;45:installed=1;42:grp=1;34:od=1;41;5:votes=1;44:dsc=0:other=1;35"

Yaourt is no longer maintained, and has been dropped from the Manjaro repositories.
With the latest ISO’s it has been replaced with trizen.
See the pined topic for detailes on how to switch over.

…and that is why I guess it should be removed.

Yea, probably.
But since we didn’t add it, I will inquire with the Manjaro team.

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