Firefox update for 17.01

How do I update the Firefox package shipped with Netrunner 17.01? I have noticed that it is Firefox version 50.1.0 and compiled by Cannonical for Ubuntu. I updated the apt repositories, some updates came, but not for Firefox which should be in 53+ versions. Should I download deb file from other sources? Is it safe?

You can get a newer Firefox version from the stretch-backports dist of the plasmazilla repo.!/dci%2Fpackages%2Fplasmazilla%2Fdists%2Fstretch-backports%2F

go and get the latest version at (for rolling netrunner/archlinux) which is firefox-nightly now 59… :slight_smile: easy peasy.install via makepkg si after extraction or you can use (I dont) yaourt…
Ben, in El Paso, Rep. of Texas

I have some issues with firefox updation in one of my sys… but for other ,its working fine… i dont know why… still getting crashes and errors.

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This is not applicable for this Netrunner (Debian based) Os.