Formfields in firefox 78.4.0esr

Yesterday I installed netrunner twenty with the firefox 78.4.0esr.
And I think I#m now too stupid for the new times. Corona drives everybody into stupitidy …

In firefox i have the problem that almost all backgrounds in formfields are black and the font color is also dark so that’s it is impossible to read anything in the forms.
And I can’t find the switch to change this behavour. To change the font color is no choice … then I can’t read anything else in the browser.
What makes me suspiciously is the fact that a lot of other applications have also a dark parts or a dark modus. (libreoffice, …)
I checked the systemsettings of plasma as well, but didn’t find a switch to change this crazy behaviour.

Any Ideas?

Thx in advance!


It seems to me you changed the default color scheme to a dark one. Is that true?
If you change it to the default it should work again.

By default we set the firefox profile to always use the breeze gtk theme for text input to fix problems with dark color schemes. Please check if that is set in your firefox profile: