How to resize boot partition?

I am on Netrunner 14 Frontier 64 bit and I would like to change a size of boot partition. I have one hard drive in my laptop and it has 15GB of boot partition (/), 4GB of linux swap and all of the leftover place for home partition. I want to expand my boot partition because there is almost no enough place. I successfully cut 5GB from the home partition using KDE partition manager with live Netrunner to get free place. My problem is: I could not add this free place to a boot partition. There is 5GB of free place but I have no option to resize (expand) boot partition. I do not know how to solve a problem.

Boot off a live image and use gparted to resize the partition, but if the /swap partition is between /boot and / you will need to remove it first, resize /boot, and then add it back in. Keep in mind that the uuid’s of the partitions could be changed and you’ll need to edit your fstab and grub installations or your system may not boot or work properly.