Installation Problems

Hi all:
I am testing Netrunner 17 in live mode now, I am ready to install except for two problems. The first is my screen resolution. When I boot up both in live mode and first boot after an install, screen resolution goes to the max 1980x what ever. My true screen resolution is 1650x1050. Usually I dig around in the lower left hand corner till I find application launcher and open system settings, then Hardware then display and monitor settings, then use the resolution to adjust. But in the resolution slider in not there. So how do I correct the resolution?

I have not seen this problem before. The other problem is despite having downloaded 3 iso’s all with the correct md5sums and using imagewriter to write to a USB stick I get the error of having an error in one file, I have now copied the iso two times each once to a used stick that I use for installing iso, and twice to a new stick same results when I check the media. Any ideas?

Thanks for your help.

The check will always fail due to an rewriting one file in the checksums file while creating the ISO (the bootloader basically).
So this one file error can be ignored (hopefully we will fix that in future releases)

As for the resolution can you go into systemsettings and set up the correct resolution?
If yes it should restore that resolution on login again. You can also test that on the live system. After logout you can login to the default user with no password.

As for the resolution I can not set up the correct resolution in systemsetttings as the slider that does that is not displayed, it is missing. This is the first time I have come across this problem. I do not know how to fix. I fear that if I install I will have same problem and useless system and a huge waste of effort. So need to correct while in live mode testing.