K3b old

In site new version:

Please update in repository.

Also any chance remove k3b from installation? I mean in nowadays this one like floppy drive. But if I’m trying to remove it bring half kde with it on remove.

We are not maintaining k3b but grabbing it from our upstream (ubuntu). So we have to wait for ubuntu to upgrade this package.

As for removing. I think there are stll some users out there using dvd-r or cd-r’s

It is a pity that your repository, you can not throw.

As leszek said there are plenty of users that still use DVD’s and CDR’s.

Netrunner 14 (frontier) is based on Kubuntu 14.04 (LTS) so if you need a more updated KDE SC 4.13.x experience you’ll need to enable the Kubuntu backports PPA here:

Note: If you require even more up to date packages, then may I recommend the Netrunner Rolling Edition that is based on Manjaro.

I’m agree that one should be in the repo… but no point install it by default especially if system has no optical drive. And safe remove this one without language-pack-kde-en will be great.

Interesting suggestion to not have it installed by default.
However, since the percentage of new systems not coming with optical drives is still quite small, I’d have to rebuttal with the fact that it is just as easy to remove as it is to install. Now once these percentages have been turned around, then that would be the time to remove it from the install media.