
Hi folks,

I’m new to this forum and I just downloaded Netrunner. I have to say, it’s fast, clean and reliable at first look :slight_smile: Nice job you all!

My question is: Is there a < Safe Mode > for games/software and such? Because I tried installing some software from Jack’n’joe (Very nice website by the way) and it occurs that I recieved an error message. I took a screenie for you guys to better understand what I mean. Thanks guys.

Edit: By the way, don’t stress, fabulous KsirK, is still working great ! :slight_smile: Just want to know the BEST method for installing softwares on NetRunner OS. Thanks !

Did you execute the proposed command sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f from the dialog ?
If something went wrong with the installation it could be a solution to get your packagemanagement working again.

A native (no website) client for getting software is muon discover which is already installed in Netrunner. This might work better for you for installing software.

In general, it’s much better to install software from the Netrunner repositories. The games, I looked at on Jackn’joe are all available from the Netrunner repositories. You can use Muon or as I prefer Synaptic, to install the games. That way you don’t get broken packages. Just search for the game or look in the “games category” .
And for more games, try Steam. It works great in netrunner.
As was mentioned run sudo apt-get update to update the packages, then sudo apt-get install -f to attempt to fix broken packages.

In general, it’s much better to install software from the Netrunner repositories. The games, I looked at on Jackn’joe are all available from the Netrunner repositories. You can use Muon or as I prefer Synaptic, to install the games. That way you don’t get broken packages. […]

@leszek / @jberkpc
Yes I did follow the instructions in the dialog after it happened. The game started correctly after writhing the commands, thanks a lot my friend. Your help was very useful to my knowledge. I didn’t know about ‘’-f’’ for apt-get and Muon/Synaptic seems to work nicely as well.