Has anyone an experience of dual-boot : Netrunner and Mac OSX on a Mac Pro ?

Thanks for your suggestions


It’s quite some time ago I installed linux distributions on an macbook.
The process should be the same here.
The easiest way would be installing refit on the OS X System which is a general bootloader able to boot linux aswell.
Then try installing normally but choose to install not on the mbr (/dev/sda by default) but the same partition you install the system itself (example /dev/sda3)

Thanks Leszek , i’ll have a look at “refit”.


[quote]Then try installing normally but choose to install not on the mbr (/dev/sda by default) but the same partition you install the system itself (example /dev/sda3)
I think I have to clearify that.
What I mean here is not install of the OS but of the bootloader. :slight_smile:

While you can use rEFit( I’ve used it & it works– is no longer maintained to the best of my knowledge.
It’s recommend to use its fork rEFInd,, as it is up to date and maintained.
I use it when installing *buntus on Macs but I do not dual boot so I have no advice to offer with respect to the dual boot install process.
Best of luck with the MacBuntu :slight_smile:

I finaly used Virtulabox on OSX, and Netruner 14.2 as invited system. So all the opensource applications I needed, unavailable on OSX, are obtained through the virtualisation.

By the way, when i installed Netrunner 14.2 (64 bit) under Virtual box, i observed the bug of duplicate entries in dolphin.

Thanks to all.