Netrunner and my smartphone.

Hello. I have a problem when i connect my smart phone to computer. When my phone auto locked the device manager disconnected to my phone. I can browse my sd card, but i must still manipulating with my phone. When i stop do it, the phone auto locked and device manager again disconnected. Can you help me?

This is a security feature as far as I know.
Not sure what smartphone you are using and if there is a way to configure it. But it needs to be done from the smartphone site I suppose.

I using Lg Leon. I try find any solution for this problem. For now without any result.

Did you try kde connect? If the phone and the computer on the same network, you can browse the phone through dolphin.

I’m pretty sure this is the way Android is configured. You cannot access your phone memory unless your phone is unlocked. If you disable it anyone who finds your phone can access your apps and documents.