Netrunner Desktop 17.03 is seemingly more up to date than 17.01.2 “testing” (testing repos active)?
Also, is there anything 17.01.2 “testing” users need to do?
[size=medium][color=#ff3333]Update 07 Apr 2017:[/color] Changed 17.01 repos to match 17.03 and updated the OS. Had a few errors during upgrade that were corrected after running autoremove. Errors with libkscreen remain & needed to reset the panel settings bar. Other than that, system is responding well, for now.[/size]
[align=center][color=#663399]Thank you Netrunner team for a wonderful “rolling distro”. [/color]
[color=#663399]I like the innovative approach & transformation [/color][color=#663399]into [/color]
[color=#663399] a viable desktop solution, in this “Wild West of Linux OS”.[/color][/align]