Netrunner logo missing from forums


The Netrunner logo is missing from the forum title menu - there is just some text saying “Netrunner Logo”.

It appears “” is a dead link, and that is causing the problem.

Since there is no actual title menu anyway (you’ve commented it out at some point), I suggest just using one of your available logos, as it would look much nicer than “Netrunner Logo”.

Perhaps “” or “”.

Of course, if you have the “logo-full.png” at hand, or on the way, that is also a solution.

Just wanted to let you know that it looks unfinished, at least on my computer :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Yes, we noticed but we’re busy releasing 17.03 and also testing a new theme for netrunner forums! So thats why it likely broke, but will be fixed next.

Thanks. I like the new look.
By the way, are there official upgrade instructions for going from one Netrunner 17.0x release to the next?