new install and update

Hi there. I am doing a new install of Netrunner rolling, version 2014.09.1 and was wondering if someone could clarify a couple procedures for me. There has been a few updates since this iso was released and I would just like to be sure of how I properly update the system now that there are numerous updates and service packs etc. Been running the buntu versions for some time now and not yet used to the rolling. I would just like to know an up to date procedure to bring in everything. Thank you

OK, the only thing that will be required is the bash update procedure, all other updates including security are in the manjaro-update script package;

sudo rm -R /var/lib/pacman/local/bash-4.3.024-1
sudo pacman -Syy
sudo pacman -S bash pacman manjaro-system
sudo pacman -Su

Thank you. I appreciate the heads up. Going to install and see how it goes :slight_smile:

I just noticed I phrased that a bit wrong.

All special system modifications are handled through the manjaro-system package, this being a rolling release the update process will always bring you up to date with the current versions of all installed packages, including but not limited to security and bug fixes.

In other words, you should never need to re-install your OS ever again.