No Sound chtmax98090

Hello i have installed net runner core in Chrome book, the hardware was recognized, but no sound output.

All other hardware is working except the sound

Please try to activate debian backports sources with synaptic and updating the linux-image-amd64 package aswell as the firmware-linux-nonfree package. That should get your sound going after a restart.

How i can do it. I just not remember how

Go to synaptic -> software sources. Then activate buster-backports repository. Hit Ok and then refresh.
Then search for the packages.

Thanks the sound works. One doubt wine recognize pulseaudio but not sound in game.

Is the sound test in winecfg working? If yes it might be a general issue of the game. Also if the game is running you can maybe check with pavucontrol if the output is connected correctly to your main sound output device. (Check the playback and output tabs on pavucontrol for this)