Partitioning hard drive

I have 500gb hard drive and two operating systems Netrunner and windows.
partitions I have:
2gb - /boot
35gb - / (root)
200gb - /home
250gb - (windows)
6gb swap
By having this way I can easy reinstall linux by formating /boot; /; (fresh install) and home partition (without formating) just stays with everything I have, and it even remembers my screen, themes, settings programs and even bookmarks in browsers. And it’s like half our to reinstall for new version. All partitions ext3 (ntfs for windows).
Now is there anyone ho can tell me if it’s good to have this way or I can change something for better performance?
Swap at the end because I thing is not very important…

That sounds gangster!!! Where’s the tutorial for that? I am about to upgrade my RAM and trying to figure out how to repartition SWAP without having to reinstall everything. I’ve also heard of moving /HOME to RAM for security or at least moving it to another location. Any ideas?