Searching Synaptic?

Why is it that when I search for a program in synaptic,
it does not bring me directly to the program like it once
did? It still brings up a bunch of programs and files that
have nothing to do with what I am searching for; so I
then still have to search through the list to find the file.
Granted, it’s all in alphabetical order… but WHY do I
need to still search through the list?

Using Netrunner 17 Ubuntu flavor 64bit.

It might be a bug in synaptic but I guess this is a normal behavior to show all packages that have something to do with the package name you entered. Are you using quick search or the search button. On the search button you can set some criteria where to search.

[attachment=424][quote=“leszek, post:2, topic:2595”]
It might be a bug in synaptic but I guess this is a normal behavior to show all packages that have something to do with the package name you entered. Are you using quick search or the search button. On the search button you can set some criteria where to search.

I used search at the top of Synaptic. This has been the case for me for the last two distro releases.

You can see in my screenshot that I have circled the search button used and at the left what I searched for.

Then see the results that came up. Not even close to the “O’s”!

Okay that looks like a bug to me then. I will keep digging to see if there is any bug report yet.