So far, not too great...

Installed 13.06 last night after enjoying the live DVD for a while. Loved the install. Shrunk my Win7 partition without a hitch. I rebooted into Netrunner and had fun surfing the web, and was impressed that even Skype worked.

Then it all changed. I updated all the packages via what I recall as Muon. I shutdown and started my laptop today to find problems. Here goes:

No wifi. It is not even available within the network settings (wired is there, and not greyed out). worked the night before, and works from within Win7.

No audio. Within seconds I am prompted with a message that certain audio devices have been removed, and I am offered a choice to not use them. Audio tests fine in Win7, but not Netrunner.

When i attempted to reboot or shutdown via the main menu, the reboot and shutdown option are gone. I have only logout, and lock screen available.

I can’t believe that a simple update of the installed packages caused such problems. This is frustrating.

I really want run Netrunner.

I guess the update process went bogus on your machine.
Could you try start the update process again from the terminal with the command

sudo apt-get upgrade
Note: You will be asked to enter your user password this password prompt uses hidden characters instead of stars (*)

I have no wired connections, just wifi, so using -apt-get will be an issue.

Perhaps this an ubuntu issue and I should consider something else.

You could also try sudo apt-get install -f if you don’t have a internet connection right now.