Software Center or Package Manager


I just installed Netrunner 12.12.1 but can’t find the Muon package manager or software center that I know from the previous netrunner edition. What am I supposed to use? Synaptec package manager?



Hi Daniel,

you mean there are no entries in the menu?

Hi Starbuck,

yes, correct, there are no entries in the menu. I searched several times everywhere in the run menu. I also went to the KDE Menu editor by right-clicking on the run icon --> ‘Edit Applications’ and could not find it anywhere there (in previous netrunner editions, some menu items where hidden and I had to unhide them, but that is not the case with muon).

I can’t access the machine right now, but typing ‘muon’ in krunner (alt+F2) does not yield any useful results, and running muon from the command line also doesn’t work.

The automatic update notification (Muon update manager) does work. So does Synaptec (and apt-get I believe).

Any ideas?



If you look in /usr/bin, you should see muon, muon-discover, muon-installer and muon-updater. This is where they are on my 12.12 installation. Have you done a locate muon from a terminal?

If you updated to KDE 4.10 then yes Muon will be removed.
I have had this happen.
Dont worry use synaptic for now and you can reinstall Muon with it.
Good thing synaptric is there or you would have to use the terminal.

That’s odd because when I updated to KDE 4.10.0, it didn’t remove muon. Neither did it get removed when I updated to KDE 4.10.1

Yeah it doesnt happen all the time from what I see, thus why its such a bizarre issue.

Thanks everybody for the responses!

There are no entries for muon in /usr/bin. When I do locate muon I only get some .desktop files in the folder /usr/share/app-install/desktop/

My fresh netrunner 12.12.1 installation does indeed have KDE 4.10.0, but I don’t know whether it was shipped or updated during installation. I now used Synaptec to install muon and things seem to work fine. It is doing a lot of updates now, because the update manager wasn’t installed either. So this might be a somewhat important issue, because novices might miss important (security) updates.

Apart from that, netrunner runs absolutely smoothly and I convinced my girlfriend to use it, oh yes! :slight_smile:

Yeah, same thing happened to me. I had to reinstall Muon from the terminal (could have used Synaptic) and on top of that it seems like my touchpad is no longer detected. It worked fine in previous version. Actually if I can’t get the touchpad sorted (need to disable “tap to click”) that will be the end of Netrunner on this machine because it makes typing incredibly frustrating.

EDIT: I was able to fix the touchpad by reinstalling the Synaptik gui package.

Crabbos, I might be having a similar problem with the touchpad. In my case, the touchpad is very sensitive, so when typing, the cursor will frequently jump somewhere else, because I accidentally touched the pad. Is that the problem you had? If yes, could you tell me again what you did (I don’t understand what Synaptic -the package manager?- has to do with it).

Crabbos said he was able to fix the touchpad by reinstalling the Synaptik gui package. If you search for synaptik in muon (or alternatively do a search in synaptic package manager) you will get “kde-config-touchpad”:
touchpad configuration tool (synaptiks)

synaptiks touchpad configuration tool. this package contains a
configuration tool for touchpads. The package provides a kcm
module (for systemsettings), as well as a plasma widget and kded
module to help managing touchpads, especially in KDE environments.

In Kubuntu it appears in Menu,Applications,Utilities as Touchpad management (synaptiks)