I’m still using netrunner 19.01. (blackbird) and want now to update to netrunner 19.08. What have i to do to make this update possible without a complete new installation.
I’m still using netrunner 19.01. (blackbird) and want now to update to netrunner 19.08. What have i to do to make this update possible without a complete new installation.
Hi Pfiff,
you would need to change repos to stable, but if you are currently using testing and continue to roll on, it could mismatch. If you havent enabled testing repos, it should be easily possible.
Note that you do not get the new theming, but the rest should be equal.
Hi, I don’t understand this repos-thing. Maybe you can have a look at my sources and give me a hint.
Thx! Dieter
Click on Software Sources to edit the entries.
Then uncheck the first one above and edit the 1901 one to replace with 1908 AND remove “plasmazilla” and “nomad” from that Components list.
After doing that the Discover list should look similar to this after RESTART of discover (it doesnt refresh automatically):
Perfect! Thank You!