[SOLVED] Hibernate does nothing at all

When I try to hibernate my ASUS Notebook from the desktop environment, nothing at all happens. I’ve tried this in Plasma and LXQt.

Pressing the “Hibernate” button does not cause any new messages to be written to the system journal or dmesg.

I’ve also configured closing the lid to cause the system to hibernate in LXQt’s settings. This does not work either.

Any idea what’s going on here?

You may need some special configurations for your ASUS.
What model asus do you have?

It’s an UX32VD. I’m kind of confused by the fact that nothing seems to happen at all - not even a warning in one of the log files.

Yea, that does seem a bit strange.
Did this start happening before or after you installed LXQT?

To be honest, I’m not really sure about this. I’ve only installed Netrunner a couple of weeks ago and I’m not certain whether it ever worked correctly. Can I somehow go back to the non-LXQt state of the system? Uninstall LXQt and reinstall Plasma, maybe?

So, my current working hypothesis is this: Since both KDE and LXQt are affected AND there’s nothing in the logs that says “Hibernate failed”, the problem must be somewhere near the top of the stack, but not right at the top. What do Desktop environments do to hibernate the system? As in: Is this a script they call, a command they sent over DBus or something to do with acpid?

Well, in Netrunner Rolling (Manjaro), Plasma just sends systemd the signal and it handles suspend, hibernate, etc.
I’m not sure how LXQT works.

Thanks, that piece of information set me on the right way. I tried the following

$ systemctl hibernate Failed to execute operation: Sleep verb not supported

Turns out I forgot to set up a swap partition during installation. After finding some room for swap and rebooting the system (this is important), hibernate now works.