I’m reasonably sure that this will not cause a problem,
checking first is just good sense (insurance against breaking system or overloading)
I’d like to do a comparison test of the fourteen Image viewers in pamac this is for a colour difference of images discussion at the link below,
Seems a good idea while having coffee this morn,
it goes with my post in here
for me to do this
- get all the image viewers I can find in pamac or octopi ( that’s the silly part)
- get the troubled images and run that select few in all the image viewers
- make a list of results and post it here in a few days time,
- keep the best of the viewer’s for my use, keep Gwenview for comparison, and if Gwen still displays washed out images or not anymore in many months time and later.
- un-install the image viewers not wanted,
so then
Having all these Image viewers installed will this cause any problems that you can think of,
I cannot, just checking
and un-installing most viewers afterwards
and just to safe my ext-hd not used in test will be disconnected
only a small usb stick will be connected to Netrunner Rolling SSD.
Just checking first
Thanks in advance