[SOLVED] Right clicking on Application menu problem


I’ve right clicked on application menu icon, changed it to Application launcher. Disliked it, set it back to Application Menu, now I’ve got to minor problems:

  1. Netrunner’s default menu icon is changed to Kde default icon. Where do I find default Netrunner’s icon?
  2. Windows key to open menu no longer works. Changing shortcuts doesn’t help, since pressing Windows key makes it “Meta+” and refuses to set it. How do I restore it?

Thank you!

Update: q-2 solved. It seems netrunner uses ksuperkey daemon, and hence shortcut must be set to Alt+F1.
Update 2: q-1 it seems to me the icons should be at /usr/share/netrunner/ , but wrong icons there
Update 3: the location is /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/homerun.svg