What ist the correct sources.list after the change to debian10
What ist the correct sources.list after the change to debian10
Basically you can leave everything as is and apt update will prompt you to activate the new security sources.list
Hi leszek,
thank you for this Info!
apt update do nothing??? How to change repository. I havent updated system since may
What are the netrunner correct repositories after debian 10 launch???
apt update will prompt you to accept the new security repo by default.
The Netrunner repos did not change.
and there weren’t any stable upgrades until may??? only google-chrome and Thunderbird???
strange behavior
Netrunner 19.01 is based upon a snapshot of Debian Testing and never gets updates if you don’t activate backports or “testing” or “buster” repos by yourself.
I have that disabled deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ testing main non-free contrib
Change the testing to buster in that line and enable it if you want to receive stable updates from Debian Buster (10)