I have some issues related to plasma 5.5.3 upgrade
suspend not working. Suspend asks root password (which is absolutely wrong in my opinion). If password given, it suspends. But wakes up in text console and then freezes. Maybe I could blame proprietary NVIDIA drivers, but hey, I didn’t have no suspend problems with plasma 5.4.3.
restart/shutdown just logs out.
no audio (I see only “Dummy output” audio device – not sure about device name, because it show in lithuanian “Fiktyvi isvestis”, even if I switch kde language to english).
sometimes get empty spaces in system tray.
The most interesting is, that for other user on the same computer suspend/shutdown/restart/audio works as it should.
I guess, it’s something related to (polkit?) permissions.
probably something wrong with systemd-login:
I have finally figured out with my problems. It seems, that problems are related to SDDM display manager.
0.11.0-0ubuntu11 version is OK, 0.13.0-1ubuntu5~ubuntu15.10~ppa2 is not.
With 0.11.0-0ubuntu11 version loginctl show-session output gives:
audio is working again, shutdown/reboot/suspend also ok.
the following command from konsole should revert sddm to older version:
sudo apt-get install sddm=0.11.0-0ubuntu11
If you want to prevent it from upgrading automatically (at least, until problem is fixed), you can do this by creating /etc/apt/preferences.d/sddm.conf file with the following content:
Package: sddm
Pin: version 0.11.0-0ubuntu11
Pin-Priority: 1001