Taskbar: Thumb preview on click.

Hi, Im new with Netrunner, so I have a question, when I open several instances of the same application and I click on the icon (only-icon task manager) a pop-up with the list of instances is displayed. That’s not very useful, sometimes I can not distinguish very well which window corresponds each entry in menu, also this menu have no closing button.

Is there any way to see a preview thumb on click like other plasma distros? Ty.

P.S.: English is not my native languaje, sorry If I made mistakes.

Go into systemsettings -> workspace behavior -> workspace and check ‘Display informational tooltips on mouse hover’

Ok, ty for you answer, but I allready did that and work “on hover”, I’m asking for a way to get the thumbs “on click”

That should make them appear if you have the effect for thumbs activated under desktop effects.

I’m sorry if I’m being very clumsy, but in “Desktop Effect” (I think that’s Option → WorkSpace Appearance → Desktop Effect, my desktop is in spanish, hehe) have not any effect for thumbs.

See Systemsettings -> Display -> Keep Window Thumbnails and change it to always or only when visible.

So after enabling this option, it works like you want it, but on hover? Can you make a screenshot how it looks like on hover?
And you want the same thumbs then “on click”?

Sorry, I could not answer before, I have made a small video, which I think illustrates my question better.


Thats exactly what I am pointing to at. If you want to have a thumbnail for minimized windows you need to activate it here:

[quote]See Systemsettings → Display → Keep Window Thumbnails and change it to always or only when visible.

I have activated “Only when Visible” when I did the video.

Yeah so this expected then. Visible means not minimized.