Tomahawk music problem

Im trying to play music through any of the online sources on Netrunner but I always get an error simply stating it cant play the track, also Im running the amd64 bit version on VMware Fusion on my iMac, all audio works except for Tomahawk, any help would be appreciated

Hi James,

can you play files from your local collection?

It is likely that you are using the Phonon GStreamer backend. It is unfortunately a fairly common issue with some versions of said backend, and it should be fixed in the latest version.
You can verify your current backend in System Settings → Multimedia
→ page “Phonon” → tab “Backend”. If GStreamer is at the top of the list then
that is indeed what you are using.
I would recommend switching to the VLC backend. To do that, just move VLC to the top of the list.

I have VLC as the main backend and sill no sound from Tomahawk :frowning:
In Clementine and VLC audio works fine (though I had to install Clementine from their dev PPA to have the media buttons working).
PS: I also have a 64-bit system.