Upgrade script 13.06 -> 13.12

Here is the upgrade script which allows you to upgrade from 13.06 to 13.12.

  1. Please use this at your own risk and make sure to make a backup of your personal data first before attempting the upgrade. (Especially if you have some third party repositories activated)

  2. To perform the upgrade, you need to first download the script and make it executable.

wget http://pub.netrunner-os.com/upgrade-13.06_to_13.12.sh
chmod a+xr upgrade-13.06_to_13.12.sh
sudo ./upgrade-13.06_to_13.12.sh

The upgrade script needs some time to download and install all upgrades. As many applications will be upgraded make sure to have almost all of your applications close and only your desktop running.

Thank you for your effort :smiley:
Was anxious about this, I’ll try it today, I’ll keep you posted if anything weird happened.

Best regards

Will it work with separate / and /home partitions ?

Many thanks for the works


It will not tinker with partitions but just perform an upgrade via the packagemanager.
So yes it should work.

So you are wright, it works without any problems.


Worked perfect!

Thank you!

Everything went very well.

Only thing I was hoping to see was the new HOMERUN KICKER.

If that is NOT possible can someone tell me how to change the old version ?

NETRUNNER is the best Linux so far… better than MINT 16 although not as fast as Mint 16(mate Gnome) on the same computer.http://forums.netrunner-os.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

The homerun-kicker package is available in the repo. So after you upgraded you can just install it.

I have re-installed using synaptic but the same version as in enigma 1 remains. I re-logged in but still the same.

main ppa is 1312

Nem tudom … I don’t know

Then try removing it and all its dependencies. Then reinstall homerun-kicker. The homerun-kicker package was not available in 13.06

I didn’t realize there were 2 versions of Home-Run Kicker that could be added to the task bar until today when I went to remove the first version…which was full screen I saw the 2nd version (not full screen)
So now I can have all 3 versions(original one from Enigma 1 plus the other home-runs). That’s really cool… just like the snow storm outside.

Problem SOLVED

Thanks for the prompt replies Leszek