usb wireless optical mouse

Hello specialists, I have a budget mouse as described (Maxxter) which works fine in Windows 7 (I’m running a dual boot W7/Netrunner) but refuses to function under Linux. What can I do to remedy this? My laptop is a Toshiba Satellite L 505-10M with 8 GB memory.

Thx for a possible answer

Do you plugged in the dongle after the boot?

I have done both, booted with the dongle and without, but I see no difference. Other ideas?

does lsusb show the device ?

[quote=“leszek, post:4, topic:2069”]
does lsusb show the device ?
[/quote]I have 3 usb 2.0 ports on my laptop. I have tried the lsusb command with the dongle on all three and, according to the port, I get different bus and device numbers but the ID is always the same: ID 248a: 8566. This is probably some kind of a vendor identification but that does not help me much.

don’t call me stupid, but what do you call “refuses to function”?
Does it not work at all, or do you mean just specific function like scroll wheel, or more than two buttons?

[quote=“Alver70, post:5, topic:2069”]

That shows that it is detected at all which is good in this case.
But if it does not work at all it might be not registring itself as USB HID device which would be than a hardware problem you can nothing do about except blaming the vendor to ship such a shitty product. (USB HID is a standard for a reason)

[quote=“doc_duempel, post:6, topic:2069”]
don’t call me stupid, but what do you call “refuses to function”?
Does it not work at all, or do you mean just specific function like scroll wheel, or more than two buttons?
[/quote]Unfortunately, it does not work at all.

[quote=“leszek, post:7, topic:2069”]

As I explained earlier, it really is a budget mouse.

Thank you all who have commented sofar. I ran an additional check in W7 and my budget mouse is identified as HID usb mouse. Now why does Netrunner not see this st*** animal as HID??


This is interesting. Did you ever test out another linux distribution to check if it is a general linux not supporting your device problem or netrunner not supporting your device problem ?

Unfortunately, I have only Netrunner available (and I’m the only Linux user among friends and family!).

On second thought, would it be possible to test various Linux distros using a live dvd? Would that yield genuine information?

Yes that would be interesting to test out.

I’ve tested my poor mouse with live dvd’s of Linux Deepin, Mint 13 and Zorin 6, but to no avail. Linux does not recognize my budget mouse at all.


So it is a general detecting problem and the mouse seems to be not compatible.