V25 release?


I’m waiting for newer version of Debian base in Netrunner. Will it be released soon or this distro is dead?

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Indeed, I am anticipating a new release of Netrunner as well. The status on Distrowatch states "active" so that’s good as Its been a couple of years since Vaporware was released and not much since besides the forums. Hopefully we will hear some news on this soon.

Also should newer Netrunner release have enabled backports repo for newer Linux LTS Kernel now

Running Netrunner 25 as I type this and its working very well. Some downsides are Pulseaudio instead of Pipewire, no auto-detect for printers as you need to install system-config-printer and printer-driver-all and do it manually, kscreen2 isnt on by default so your display settings dont get saved are the main issues I have so far.

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Awesome, Netrunner 25 is Here!! :sunglasses: :computer:

Ive waited a long time to get back to Netrunner as I started using it back when it was based on Ubuntu.