What are some preffered VM’s
I see some people use Virtual Box. I can’t find it nor other VMs in the package manager, but can download from it’s home site. Though I do not know which to download for the Netrunner system.
What they ask
Please choose the appropriate package for your Linux distribution:
Ubuntu 16.10 ("Yakkety") i386 | AMD64
Ubuntu 16.04 ("Xenial") i386 | AMD64
Ubuntu 15.10 ("Wily") i386 | AMD64
Ubuntu 14.04 ("Trusty") / 14.10 ("Utopic") / 15.04 ("Vivid") i386 | AMD64
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS ("Precise") i386 | AMD64
Debian 9 ("Stretch") i386 | AMD64
Debian 8 ("Jessie") i386 | AMD64
Debian 7 ("Wheezy") i386 | AMD64
openSUSE 13.2 ("Harlequin") / Leap 42.1 ("Malachite") i386 | AMD64
Fedora 25 i386 | AMD64
Fedora 24 i386 | AMD64
Fedora 22 / 23 i386 | AMD64
Oracle Linux 7 ("OL7") / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 ("RHEL7") / CentOS 7 AMD64
Oracle Linux 6 ("OL6") / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 ("RHEL6") / CentOS 6 i386 | AMD64
Oracle Linux 5 ("OL5") / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 ("RHEL5") / CentOS 5 i386 | AMD64
All distributions (built on EL5 and therefore do not require recent system libraries) i386 | AMD64
Suggestions please. All I am trying to do is to run QuickBooks
Thanks, Randy