Web site access with Chroumim

I have not been able to access the website for several days. Today when trying to access the site with chromium the landing page is requireing a log in? Whats up? My log in id is not taken and there is no ability to create a new login on the landing page. The same thing goes for the forum pages. I can see that I am auto logged in but the site still wants this server log in, which looks like a log in for the sites host. When I use Firefox it still askes for the server log in id. On the forum page same thing when I dismiss this site logg in everything is as normal. In chromium dismissing the site log in request causes the forum page to crash. Hope this can be corrected soon.

The site log in request form is now gone, however the forums home page does not display properly. The page header is overwriting the login time stamp info this is only happening in chromium, firefox works well.

It looks like the good folks at Netrunner are working on their website.

For me, the forum has text overwriting itself, and main site has a new banner showing a new rolling release 2014.08.

Hopefully they will get all the changes done without too many problems and soon we will have a new rolling release ISO.