Weird flash version in Opera

Hi, I am experiencing a weird bug in Opera browser regarding the pepper flash plugin.
Opera is displaying the Flash plugin to be at version 99.999.999.9999, which is the most strange thing i’ve ever seen…

However, this seems to be just a communication problem betweem Opera and the plugin, because it works fine when it’s needed. Here’s the output of the plugin status:

$ sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --status Flash Player version installed on this system : Flash Player version available on upstream site:

This is not the first distro I’ve seen this, just this morning while installing elementary OS in another PC, I saw this same bug. I attatched a picture so you can see it.

As Chromium is listing the correct version I guess it might be a bug in Opera itself.

Seems like it is a bug related to Opera in Ubuntu 14.04 based distros. I tested it on many ones this afternoon, like Linux Mint 17.1, elementary OS Freya and Bodhi 3, all of them show that 99.999 version. I then tested on Ubuntu 14.10 and SolydK (Debian based) and Opera shows the right version.
It is a minor issue, probably related to a miscommunication between the browser and the system but the plugin works fine.

It is a minor issue, probably related to a miscommunication between the browser and the system but the plugin works fine.


Yes, but you also need to look at what version of flash-plugin is in each distributions repositories, there was one release of flash-plugin that did this.

PS. We had this issue on Netrunner Rolling (Manjaro) for a short time as well, but the bug has since been fixed in the next security release from Adobe upstream.