Windows Guests Aborting on Boot

Good Morning,
Somewhere in the past few weeks I noticed an update to VirtualBox that got applied during installing updates with Muon Updater. It seems that after that, my Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit guest aborts on boot. Also, I recently built a Netrunner box for a customer that included a Windows Vista Business 64 bit guest. It aborts now as well. My Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit guest had been working perfectly for over a year. I had created a snapshot of the Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit guest, and I can restore that snapshot and then the guest starts. But after I do a normal shutdown from the guest, it will not restart. There are several posts on the VirtualBox forum about this issue from various times. VirtualBox moderators are directing people go back to the Ubuntu fork distros from which their version of VirtualBox was included in for support.

The specs for my work machine that includes the Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit guest are as follows:

Netrunner 14.1 with all updates applied.
Linux 3.13.0-71-generic x86_64
KDE: 4.14.13
VirtualBox 4.3.34_Ubuntu_r104062

The specs for my customer’s machine that includes the Windows Vista Business 64 bit guest are as follows:
Netrunner 14.2 with all updates applied.
Linux 3.13.0-71-generic x86_64
KDE: 4.14.13
VirtualBox 4.3.34_Ubuntu_r104062

Has anyone else here had these issues? I am just wondering what the correct way to proceed in tring to solve this problem is.

Any help or direction would greatly be appreciated as these machines and VMs are relied upon in business production environments.


Do you have the virtualbox guest editions installed in the VM’s?
Also do you have kvm enabled in the system bios and selected in virtualbox for acceleration.
You may also want to try to disabling 3D support in VBox if it’s enabled.

All of the above are true. Also, I just found out that the windows guests are not the only ones that have the problem. Two more guests abort on boot. One Netrunner 14.2 and One Chrome OS. So NONE of my guests will boot successfully.

That’s strange indeed. Maybe Leszek will have a better Idea of what could be wrong?

First try disabling USB support for the guest. If it boots it might be an extension pack problem. A version mismatch I guess. You can manually go to
and download the correct 4.3.34 extension pack and install it.

Here is a lengthy thread about this issue: