xscreensaver (OMG he did it XD)!

Maybe some of you guys heard about it …
I think everybody will have his own opinion …

Considering my own opinion, suddenly a question is appearing in my head:

Will Netrunner 17 ship an up-to-date version of “xscreenserver” any time soon?
Yes I know … there is a KDE screensaver but I really like xscreensaver …

In case you are wondering what the fuck this is about:


I will just build from source but I don’t think everybody has the time doing so …
Actually I just wanted to raise awareness …
(Yes I know there was a previous threat about it by spacepenguin http://forums.netrunner.com/showthread.php?tid=23515 but in my opinion this is indeed a very serious question).

((I also wanted to point out, that the security bugs where fixed in Debian: https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/source-package/xscreensaver .))

Version 5.34 without the Easter egg of “old version” was uploaded to the repo and is now available.

[align=center]This is AWESOME!!![/align]

Ty all of you guys maintaining and making this beautiful distribution possible.

Thanks a lot!

Contrary to

alas there is NO KDE screensaver anymore, only that annoying lock screen, so the only way to have a screensaver in Plasma 5 is xscreensaver.

And thanks crypto goblin for the interesting links.

“alas there is NO KDE screensaver anymore, only that annoying lock screen, so the only way to have a screensaver in Plasma 5 is xscreensaver.”

Oh, didn’t know that :expressionless: